CO PARC Field Trips - 2013
Golden Gate Canyon State Park August 24th
CO PARC and Colorado Parks and Wildlife have partnered in surveying Colorado State Parks. Golden Gate Canyon State Park is a Colorado State Park located in Gilpin and Jefferson counties northwest of Golden, Colorado. This was a one day survey, 3 locations within the park. Beautiful location, great participation cut short by an early evening thunderstorm. Really didn't know what to expect, first official survey for reptiles and amphibians in Golden Gate Canyon. We documented many Western Terrestrial Garter snakes, Tiger Salamander, and the first ever Prairie Lizards found in the park. Great trip, great people, great fun.
Otero County July 5th - 7th
Incredible habitat, great diversity. Comanche National Grassland includes varied landscape from rolling short grass prairies to rugged canyons rimmed by pinion-juniper forests. Early morning road cruising, sunset hikes, back to cruising roads at night. Otero county is the place to be for reptile and amphibian enthusiasts, put this trip on top of your list.
Castlewood Canyon State Park June 22nd
Castlewood Canyon survey kicked off a great partnership between CO PARC and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Castlewood Canyon is a Colorado State Park near Franktown, Colorado in Douglas County. Ecosystem Zones in the park are grasslands, shrublands, riparian, foothills-conifer, and caprock. Groups were formed and sent off in different directions to cover more ground. Documented species Woodhouse Toads, Northern Leopard Frogs, Prairie Lizards, Prairie Rattlesnakes, Western Terrestrial Garters.
Yuma County May 31st - June 2nd
Yuma county survey trip was filled with adventures. Arrival was Friday May 31st, we set up camp at Bonnie Lake State Wildlife Area which was a State Park and is now a lake bed. Found a few animals around camp. Temperatures were a little cold which made for poor road cruising at night . Saturday we visited Stalker Lake in Wray, CO which turned out to be very productive. We also visited a few parcels of State Land Board land along the Republican river. The main species we were targeting on this trip were Mud turtles and we did not leave disappointed. Packed up and headed home on Sunday.